2451 Marion Barry Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20020, USA 202-627-2403

8 Tell-Tale Signs That It’s Time To See An Eye Expert

Are you experiencing recurrent and intense headaches? Do you find yourself squinting a lot recently? Is your vision starting to get blurry? Are colors starting to fade or are they losing their vibrancy when you look at them? Are you starting to have a hard time seeing things from afar? If you said yes to any of these questions, then it may be time for you to schedule an eye exam.

At Erim Eye Care, a premier eye care service provider located at Washington, DC, here are some tell-tale signs that we have listed down for you. If you are experiencing any of these warning signs, please don’t ignore it and come see an expert like us right away.

1. Recurrent headaches. Are you starting to experience recurrent and intense headaches? If you don’t usually get headaches, but if you are starting to experience them after working on the computer; reading; or watching TV for extended periods of time, it is time for you to schedule that eye exam.

2. Wavy vision. If you look at straight lines like window frames or doors, and start seeing them as kinked or wavy, there is a big chance that you are experiencing age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is basically a breakdown or deterioration in the macula of your eye, and it can cause straight lines to look distorted, or for colors to appear faded. It is one of the most common reasons for needing glasses.

3. Blurry vision. Do you find yourself squinting at a book that you are reading because the texts are becoming fuzzy? Are you starting to have a hard time seeing things from afar? If you said yes to either question, you might be developing nearsightedness or farsightedness. Also, if you are finding it hard to see objects both far and near, you might have astigmatism – a common eye condition that involves a curvature of your eye cornea or lens.

4. Double vision. If you are starting to experience double vision, it can be a symptom of cataracts. It may also indicate that there is a problem with your eye muscles or cornea. So, make sure to make that eye appointment right away to avoid any serious eye problems!

5. Eye fatigue or strain. Are you a big fan of reading books? Chances are, you read for hours on end; however, are you starting to notice that your eyes become fatigued easily now compared to a year, or even a couple months ago? And even if you take a quick break to rest your eyes, the eye fatigue or strain doesn’t go away completely. This is a tell-tale sign that you need to see an eye doctor right away.

6. You have trouble with light adjustments. Does your eyes find it hard to adjust from light to dark surroundings and vice versa? If you have trouble with light adjustments, it probably means that the muscles helping your iris to contract and expand are starting to weaken. While it is probably age-related, it could be caused by other vision problems as well. Schedule an appointment with Erim Eye Care right away and find out what that problem is.

7. Struggle seeing at night. While it is natural to struggle seeing in the dark; if you notice that your night vision is starting to fade or get worst, it might be an indication of early cataracts. Have your eyes examined the soonest time possible.

8. Pressure behind your eyes. Do you feel a pressure behind your eyes? Does it feel like something is pushing it – giving you a terrible headache and eye ache as well? If you are experiencing this pressure, it might be a sign that you have developed a glaucoma. Don’t panic though! After all, glaucoma is highly treatable. Also, the pressure you feel behind your eyes might not be because of a glaucoma either, so the safest option for you would be to have it checked first and fast.

While these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean that you immediately have to get glasses or contact lenses; or that you have a vision problem, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Having a qualified and expert eye doctor is the best way for you to find out exactly what is wrong with your eyes.

To schedule a consultation with Erim Eye Care, simply give us a call at 202-627-2403 and speak to one of our friendly representatives today!

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2451 Marion Barry Avenue SE Washington, DC 20020, USA